Meet the Enemies :D

Green - Scout Bot

Scout Bot has low health and low damage.

Scout Bot makes up for its deficiencies by calling for friends far and wide.

All enemies can call for friends but the Scout call reaches farther than all except big blue.

It just has a simple bullet.

Orange - Pistol Bot

Pistol Bot has medium health, and medium damage.

It just has a simple bullet.

Red - Grenade Bot

Grenade Bot has large health, and large damage.

It uses a grenade launcher that detonates on impact of player, If it does not touch the player it blows up after a bit.

Blue - Big Blue

Big Blue has a massive amount of health, and medium damage.

Big Blue makes up for his mediocre damage via a volley of grenades, similar to Grenade Bot.

They don't hurt as bad but its like threading a needle to avoid.


Clocking Out Beta 34 MB
Apr 30, 2022

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